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What Is the Risk of Eating Raw Eggs While Pregnant

Benefits of Eating Cooked Eggs for Dogs

Dogs need protein for muscle growth, tissue repair, hormone regulation, a healthy coat, and new skin cells. Because dogs don't store protein, they must eat it daily. Eggs are an excellent source of protein with six grams per large egg. They also provide dogs with essential amino acids and fatty acids, and they can remedy an upset stomach.

C an Dogs Eat Raw Eggs?

While cooked eggs are good for dogs, dogs should never eat raw eggs. They may contain salmonella, which can cause bacterial infections in both dogs and their owners. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that about 1.35 million people suffer from an illness related to salmonella each year. In time, eating raw eggs can also cause a deficiency of the enzyme biotin that is necessary for digestion, healthy skin, new cells, and a healthy metabolism.

H istory of Dogs Eating Eggs

Before dogs were domesticated, eggs were often a large part of their diets. Wild dogs hunted for food, and if they ran across a bird's nest with eggs in it, they ate them, even the shell. For this reason, it may be part of a domesticated dog's instincts to enjoy eggs in modern times.

P reparing Eggs for a Dog to Eat

The best way to cook eggs for dogs is to boil them in plain water. Other methods, such as scrambling, typically require additional ingredients like salt, oil, or butter that may not be healthy for a dog. Prevent choking, especially in smaller breeds, by cutting the egg into chunks or slices before feeding them to the dog.

W ays to Incorporate Eggs Into a Dog's Diet

Dog owners who make homemade food may mix cooked eggs into their pets' meals. Eggs also make great treats or snacks, and some people even use them as training rewards. As with any food, too many eggs can lead to weight gain and other potential health issues.

O ther Human Foods Dogs Can Enjoy

In addition to eggs, dogs may enjoy eating foods like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, yogurt, green beans, salmon, and apples. Plain oatmeal is a good source of fiber for the digestive system, as are apples. However, dogs should never eat apple seeds. Green beans can help dogs maintain a healthy weight, while dehydrated sweet potatoes can be used in place of chews. Yogurt provides a dog with calcium and protein while salmon provides protein and omega-3 fatty acids that can improve a dog's skin and coat health.

H uman Foods Dogs Should Avoid

Not all human foods are suitable for dogs. Macadamia nuts, chocolate, garlic, onions, and grapes are highly-poisonous to dogs. They can cause a number of serious issues, ranging from kidney failure to major digestive upset. In some cases, they may even lead to death. Avoid foods that are high in sodium and sugar as well. Both additives cause similar problems in dogs as they do in humans. Too much sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, and poor dental health. Too much salt can lead to sodium ion poisoning and cause problems for dogs with kidney or heart failure.

What Is the Risk of Eating Raw Eggs While Pregnant
