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what animals cut down tomato plants

Eating sweet, juicy tomatoes fresh off the vine is one of the benefits of growing your own garden. Unfortunately, uninvited guests of the four-legged variety also enjoy snacking on the tasty fruit, and can often strip a plant of its fruit, buds and leaves very quickly. Sometimes, knowing which animal to blame is a difficult task.


Rabbits are neat eaters that nip off chunks of leaves without leaving jagged edges. They also eat the fruit and may strip young seedlings down to the ground. Rabbits generally feed during the evening, night or early morning. They live in grassy areas and don't travel far, usually feeding near their burrows. A hardware cloth or chicken wire fence may be effective, but the fence must be placed tight against the ground to prevent the bunnies from crawling under. Artificial snakes or plastic owls may scare rabbits away, and they are sometimes deterred by smelly substances, such as hot pepper spray or commercial deterrents. Surrounding the tomato patch with an electric rabbit fence is also a possible solution. Electric rabbit fences consist of two wires that lightly shock the rabbits' ears, startling but not injuring the animals.


If you don't see the deer feeding, you probably see their tracks around your tomato plants. Deer have voracious appetites, with one deer eating as much as 7 pounds per day. Strong-smelling deterrents, such as deodorant soap bars, pepper spray or human hair, may deter deer for a short time. Change the deterrent often because deer are wily animals that soon become accustomed to unusual aromas. Fencing is a major project because a fence that keeps deer out of a garden must be at least 9 feet tall. Most electric fences aren't effective for controlling deer. A barking dog is often the best deterrent.


Woodchucks are messy eaters that often trample the tomato plant in the process of eating the tomatoes. Although woodchucks prefer peas, beans and corn, they often dine on tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage and other tender vegetables. Woodchucks are difficult to control because they live in burrows with mounds at the entrance of the holes. A 3-foot fence may keep woodchucks out of your tomatoes, but the fence must be buried several inches deep, and then bent underground at a right angle facing away from the garden to keep woodchucks from digging under. Electric fences, consisting of one strand at 4 inches and another at about 9 inches, may keep woodchucks from destroying your tomato plants.

Squirrels and Chipmunks

Squirrels and chipmunks, which often feed in early morning, prefer the sweet tomatoes and often leave the main part of the plant alone. Because squirrels and chipmunks are agile gymnasts, they are hard to control. A wire cage placed over the tomato plant may be the best solution. You can also install an electric fence similar to that used for woodchucks, but a fence for squirrels and chipmunks requires a third strand. Place the lowest strands at 4 inches, with additional strands at 9 inches and about 15 to 18 inches.


Voles are small mouse-like animals that do severe damage to tomato plants. The animals sometimes chew the stems and leaves, or they may just eat through the stems, leaving a severed tomato plant. Often, evidence that voles are eating your plants are narrow grooves in the leaves, which are created by the animal's two front teeth. Voles live in tunnels, usually located in leaves or grassy areas near the garden. Destroying the tunnels is one of the best ways to discourage voles. A wire cage, using 1/4-inch mesh, may also be effective. Voles often attract owls and hawks, which serve as the best control.


A mesh fence or wire cage is the best way to deter raccoons, which are smart and notoriously difficult to control. An effective fence must be at least 4 feet tall, with another 12 inches buried in the ground -- 6 inches straight in the ground and an additional 6 inches of fencing bent at a right angle away from the garden to prevent digging. To discourage raccoons from visiting your neighborhood, keep pet food indoors and cover garbage cans tightly.


Trapping is sometimes a viable solution for pesky animals in the garden, but there are several things to consider. Trapping is illegal in many states, and releasing animals in another area may also be illegal. Trap and release isn't always as humane as it sounds because moving animals away from their home territory often results in death to the animal. Trapping is dangerous and best left to professionals because many animals, including raccoon and squirrels, can carry rabies. However, common mousetraps may be effective for voles and other small animals. Never use snap or leg hold traps, which are cruel and inhumane and pose dangers to children and pets. The traps are banned in most states.

what animals cut down tomato plants
