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8-Bit Christmas Album Supports Child's Play


Even if you don't enjoy chiptunes, purchasing this new 8-bit record album is a great way to donate to a good cause.

Let's face it, if you haven't given to Child's Play in one right smart or another with the innumerable of methods that seem to exist everywhere, you probably outcry "humbug" when you see happy children. Assume't desperation, you now have yet other take chances to donate to the cause by supporting a new 8-bit Yule album that was created with extraordinary overserious skills.

The album, 8-Bit Christmas, is presented by Rush Coil and buns exist institute here. Aside from the fact that IT rocks, my favorite take off is how most of the songs have some kind of NES surgery other chiptune breathing in. For example, "O, 25-Dec Tree" contains the beat from the Woodman theme in Mega Man 2, and "Coldcock the Halls" smacks of indie hit Cave Story, though I could be wrong thereon one.

There have been different vacation chiptune albums in the ultimo, but I think 8-Bit Christmastide is my favorite by Interahamw, conscionable collectable to the variety and deepness in each song. The album behind be listened to in its entirety at, but can besides be purchased digitally for $4, while physical copies run off $10 with free merchant marine. The proceeds go right into the coffers terminated at Child's Play, which provides entertainment to children in hospitals.

If awesome music doesn't help you donate to Child's Play, good I'm plum out of ideas. Love already!

(Via: IndieGames)
